RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)
At our school, we believe that Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSE) is a key part of our pupils' personal, social and health education (PSHE). We have consulted with Governors, parents, carers and pupils to ensure that the RSE curriculum is tailored to the needs of our students and is age-appropriate and fun. Our RSE curriculum is compliant with statutory requirements and covers topics such as healthy relationships, sex education, and physical and mental health. We strive to provide our pupils with the knowledge and understanding they need to make positive and informed decisions.
Our school uses PSHE Matters, the Derbyshire County
Council written scheme for schools. As a school, we
worked collaboratively as staff to choose the scheme
that best met the needs of our children and fit our
school ethos. This meant that we evaluated 14
different schemes, all with varying styles, costs and
approaches to creativity. Our teachers trialled five of
the schemes we felt showed promise, to see how they
performed with a class of children. The children fed
back on the scheme, meaning that, when we came
back together as staff, we had pupil voice included in
the process. Alongside this, we held a consultation with
our Well-Being Governors who we also tasked with
evaluating our choices. Following this, we chose PSHE
Matters as we felt it offered us a scheme that most
closely matched the ethos of our school. Finally, we
held a Parent Consultation to enable them to share
their views and to address any misconceptions.
Please find our new RSE policy by clicking the LINK here.
Please find an example lesson plan for the scheme by clicking the LINK here.
To view the presentation we used as part of our Parents' Consultation, click the image below.