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The curriculum is the total of all the learning experiences provided by the school for your child. We aim to provide a broad, balanced curriculum at all stages of your child’s development through which your child will be able to reach their full potential and develop their individual talents, interests and skills.


We use a thematic approach to make links between different subjects as we believe that this makes learning relevant and enjoyable. We also use the local environment and educational visits to enhance the children’s engagement and understanding. We are committed to developing children’s skills for learning alongside personal and social skills.


The themed approach to our curriculum enables many of the subjects in the national curriculum programmes of study (known as Foundation Subjects) to be delivered in an engaging and challenging context where pupils can understand their relevance.


Willow Class 

Autumn 1.1 Cave Baby

Autumn 1.2 Astro Girl

Autumn 2.1 Billy and the Beast

Autumn 2.2 Lost and Found

Spring 3.1 The Odd Egg

Spring 3.2 Leo and the Octopus

Spring 4.1 Stanley's Stick

Spring 4.2 Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish

Summer 5.1 Lubna and Pebble

Summer 5.2 Yeti and Bird

Summer 6.1 Iggy Peck Architect

Summer 6.2 Julian is a Mermaid



Blossom Class 

Autumn 1 The First Drawing

Autumn 2 The Tear Thief

Spring 1 The Tin Forest

Spring 2 Cloud Tea Monkeys

Summer 1 Flotsam

Summer 2 Our Tower



Holly Class 

Autumn 1 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Autumn 2 Anne Frank

Spring 1 Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Spring 2 The Matchbox Diary

Summer 1 The Sleeper and the Spindle

Summer 2 The Selfish Giant 



Oak Class 

Autumn 1 Windrush Child

Autumn 2 The Last Bear

Spring 1 Suffragette The Battle for Equality

Spring 2 Paradise Sands

Summer 1 Romeo and Juliet

Summer 2 Night Mail


Each year group has a defined set of learning objectives that

are covered over the year and these booklets can be

downloaded by clicking the links below:












Please see links below for further information on each subject.

© 2021 Charlesworth Primary School. 

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