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At Charlesworth School we believe that a quality English curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing and discussion. We aim to instil a habit of reading widely for pleasure and enjoyment. We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children take pride in their writing, can write clearly and accurately and adapt their language and style for a range of contexts. We want to inspire children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening and who can use discussion to communicate and further their learning. We believe that children need to develop a secure knowledge base in English, which follows a clear pathway of progression as they advance through the primary curriculum. We believe that a secure basis in English skills is crucial to a high quality education and will give our children the tools they need to participate fully as a member of society.



How Is the English Curriculum Organised at Charlesworth?


Reading and writing skills are linked to the thematic curriculum. This ensures that a wide range of genre are covered and where possible, this is applied in the context of the current theme. This is driven by a quality text that chosen to engage children with the theme.


Children engage with Guided Reading throughout the school and take part in group/ individual reading where key reading skills are developed.


Charlesworth VC Primary has recently undertaken some exciting projects, including the implementation of a new phonics program to improve literacy, and a focus on spelling activities. We invite you to read more about this project and its impact on the school. Please see the Phonics and Early reading page.


How is English Taught and What Resources Are Used?


The following resources are used to teach and assess the development

of age appropriate skills in English:-

  • Comprehension – Headstart Comprehension (KS2).

  • Reading – Phonics Shed (EYFS and KS1), Floppy's Phonics for Guided Reading (EYFS and KS1) as well as a range of supplementary books. In KS2, we use Oxford Reading Tree and Project X books as well as a range of supplementary books to enhance our children's love of reading.

  • Grammar and Punctuation – Headstart Grammar and Punctuation.

  • Spelling – EYFS and KS1 use Phonics Shed resources. KS2 use the linked scheme, Spelling Shed. Both schemes  

  • Phonics – Floppy phonics supported by additional guidance from LCP Phonics and online resources from Espresso and Phonics Play.

  • Teacher's use TWINKL resources, where appropriate to adapt learning to the needs of all children.


Extended Provision for English is encouraged both at school e.g., cross curricular application through other subjects in the thematic curriculum and at home e.g., through KS2 writing competitions.











How English is Assessed at Charlesworth?


All areas of English (Reading, Writing and SPAG) are assessed by a combination of ongoing, formative teacher assessment as well as summative, termly tests. Progress and attainment in reading is assessed against a set of expectations for each year group.


This is achieved through the following procedures:-​

  • Daily Guided Reading

  • Discrete grammar sessions

  • Year group target sheets in the back/front of books

  • Progress tracking grids (updated termly)

  • Discrete spelling lessons

  • Modelled writing as a whole class and guided writing in smaller groups.

  • Paired / Shared Reading or buddy Reading.

  • Interactive, engaging quizzes using programs such as Espresso, PowerPoint or Kahoot!  


© 2021 Charlesworth Primary School. 

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