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At our primary school, we are committed to providing our children with the best possible maths education. We use a mastery approach, based on the White Rose Maths scheme, to ensure that the needs of our children are met. We provide concrete resources such as manipulatives, to help our pupils understand abstract concepts. We also challenge our pupils to achieve greater depth through investigation and problem solving activities. At the same time, we ensure that all pupils have the basic skills they need to succeed.




How is the Maths Curriculum Organised?


Children are taught in mixed age classes and grouped according to age and ability. Daily lessons are delivered across the school using White Rose Maths as the base of our curriculum structure.  Each teacher then plans their lessons and activities based around the needs of the children within their class. This may include the addition of practical or written resources where appropriate.  White Rose Maths organises mathematical learning outcomes into progressive sets of year group objectives. Particular focus is made regarding the retention and application of these skills (mastery). In EYFS, children are also given the opportunity to apply their skills through a wide range of independent and adult guided learning activities throughout the day.


How Is Maths Taught and what Resources Are Used?


White Rose Maths structures the maths curriculum into blocks and teachers use these to plan their weekly and daily lessons.  Teachers make decisions around the needs of the children within the class and how the skills and knowledge would be best taught.  Children complete an assessment at the end of each unit and develop their mastery skills through a range of activities being provided.   Within the flow of conversation throuhgout lessons, we address children's misconceptions and challenge them to further deepen their understanding. Teaching assistants are often deployed to support children through precision teaching to address gaps identified through marking and feedback or to promote further challenge.


The following resources are used to teach and assess the development of age appropriate mathematical skills:-

-  White Rose Maths that provides long term, medium, weekly and daily planning       linked to activities, worksheets and on-line resources.

-  Espresso and Purple mash, TT Rockstars (supplementary online resources)

-  Wide range of practical resources, such as: Numicon; Base 10, Number lines, Digit fans and many more.




How is Maths Assessed at Charlesworth?


Maths is assessed by a combination of ongoing formative

teacher assessments and formal tests. This is achieved

through the following procedures:-​

  • Formative assessments made through lessons and

        discussions with pupils

  • Year group target sheets in books

  • Progress tracking grids (termly)

  • Termly summative assessment tests

  • Weekly number recall tests (e.g., times tables)



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